NO WIN NO FEEClaim your money back hassle free with a simple online process


Most people paid too much tax on their PPI refund. We at Reclaim My PPI Tax are experts at establishing if you are owed a refund and then claiming this back on your behalf.

Have you had a successful PPI Claim within the last 4 years?

Date of Birth

Please provide us with the TOTAL amount you received for your PPI refunds in the relevant tax years below.


Welcome to Reclaim My PPI Tax !

Your claim has now started and your claim reference number is: . Please make a note of it and keep it in a safe place.

What happens next?
  • We will email you a copy of your signed documents
  • We will contact all the relevant lenders to gather your tax information
  • Once we have received the required information we will asses and submit your claim to HMRC
  • If you are successful in receiving a refund then we will be on contact with you to discuss this.

If you have any questions or queries then please contact us on the below:

Phone: 0161 814 7790


Thank you once again for choosing Reclaim My PPI Tax!

Please draw your signature below in the green box.


If you had a PPI refund in the last 4 years and was earning less than £50,000 per year at the time of your refund then you will be due a claim.

That’s fine, we just need to know a rough estimate of what you received. E.g if you received £1256.37 and you only put down £1000 this will be fine.

With HMRC you can only claim back up to 4 tax years ago so it is important we get your claim sent off as soon as possible to avoid you missing out.

That’s fine, we don’t need to know them details we just need to know a rough estimate of what you received. E.g if you received £1256.37 and you only put down £1000 this will be fine.

You wont need any documents, all you need to do is fill out our online form and we will do the rest for you.

On average our claims are settled with 6 weeks.